2011년 11월 10일 목요일

KORUS FTA와 ISD에 관한 어떤 분의 의견

이하의 글은 제가 작성한 것이 아닙니다. 저에게 의견을 전해주신 어떤 분의 의견임을 밝힙니다. 그리고 본인과 연락이 닿지 않아 이렇게 글을 인용하게 것을 죄송하게 생각합니다. 하지만, 내용이 충분히 좋다고 판단되어 이렇게 글을 올립니다
읽어보시기 바랍니다

"I am no expert on this matter, but I have been very disappointed and appalled by the Korean media’s distortion and people's inability to discern facts from fiction. This whole FTA ordeal reminds me of the beef protest in 2008 when fear replaced rationality and biases & ignorance took over objective facts and truth.
The Free Trade Agreements (FTA) that the US signed with Korea 4 years ago, and recently ratified the US Congress, came to a halt in Korea due to the political gridlock.

The opposition argues that some provisions in the FTA, like the ISD (Investor-State Dispute), is "poisonous" and "bias", serving only the US' interests and position. I did some personal research on this matter and it boils down to this (overt simplification):

1. FTA enables private companies and individuals in each country to start business and investments in the other country with no or relatively less government regulations.

2. ISD is basically designed to protect the interests of foreign investors (private companies) by establishing a mechanism for the settlement of investment disputes in an impartial tribunal.

For example, if Company A is investing in Country B, and the Country B enacts a law that inadvertently hinders the business activities of the Company A, then ISD enables Company A to bring suit against Country B in ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) which is an impartial tribunal. ICSID is consisted of 3 impartial jurors - 1 introduced by each party and 3rd person, an independent juror agreed by both parties.

Now, the opposition party argues that this provision - ISD - is tantamount to turning over Korea's sovereignty to the US, as there's no such thing as an impartial tribunal (contending that ICSID is technically under US control) and that all these evil US private companies will abuse this provision to bring multiple lawsuits against the Korean government to disable its legislations and regulations that protect the safety, health, and property of Korean citizens.

Unfortunately, all these contentions are wrong on facts. Let me just name a few:

First, there is only few precedent (numerically small and contextually misleading compared to Korea) over the course of past few decades in which US private companies or investors actually brought suit against foreign governments. So no, it is unreasonable to assume that US private companies will abuse this system. (bringing frivolous lawsuit is prohibited and penalized)

Second, more notably, when there WERE lawsuits initiated by US companies (investors) against foreign governments, they lost more cases (22) than actually have won (15). So no, ICSID doesn't work for the sole benefit of US investors.

Third, regulations on public health, pension plans, employment, taxation, currency, insurances, real estate, and a variety of "essential" and "critical" areas pertaining to the safety, health and well-being of Korean citizens, are not within the scope of ISD. In other words, if Korean government enacts a law or regulation on any of the above areas to protect the interests of Korean people whereby a US business or investment is negatively affected, that business or investor may not bring suit on that ground because he has no standing (inapplicable, basically).

Fourth, it is a customary practice for countries to include ISD in Free Trade Agreements. That is, ISD is not a novel or "biased" concept pertaining only to the US-Korea FTA. As of 2010, out of 2676 International trade agreements signed around the globe, 2100 of them contain ISD. In fact, in all Trade Agreements - some 81 - Korea signed with other nations, including ones with China and Japan as well as European Union, there is an ISD provision (or its equivalent). 

Fifth, unlike what the opposition party argues, if US investors or companies violate Korea's domestic law, they are subject to the Korean jurisdiction and tried in Korean court.

Lastly, ironically, ISD can just as well serve Korean business and investors' interest as that of the US. This is common sense. Korea heavily relies its economy on exports. Facts tell us that from 2006-10 Korea's investment in the US amount to $20 Billion whereas US investment in Korea was $8.8 Billion. As much as the US investors can take advantage of a loose regulation and initiate a suit against the Korean government should they choose to, so can Korean investors against the US government on the same grounds that the US' regulation severely and unjustly disadvantages their investment/business. (needless to say this is not the kind of outcome we hope to see).

댓글 2개:

  1. Second, more notably, when there WERE lawsuits initiated by US companies (investors) against foreign governments, they lost more cases (22) than actually have won (15). So no, ICSID doesn't work for the sole benefit of US investors.
    -ICSID가 미국편이라는건 동의 안하지만, 미국,다국적 기업이 수천에서 수십억의 달러 소송을 ISD로 걸고 올때 국가측에서 겁먹고서 협상을 통해 법이나 정책을 다국적 기업의 취향에 맞게 바꾸는 가능성은 많지요.

    Third, regulations on public health, pension plans, employment, taxation, currency, insurances, real estate, and a variety of "essential" and "critical" areas pertaining to the safety, health and well-being of Korean citizens, are not within the scope of ISD. -이 공적정책, 법 예외조항은 결국 ICSID에 가서야 결정된다는 겁니다. 정부가 "요건 예외조항이니 소송 못검 ㄱㅅ" 요게 아니라니까요. 법이라는게 흑백으로 구분되는게 아니지 않습니까? 예를 들면 이번에 호주정부와 의회가 강력한 담배규제법으로 해서 담배브랜드 로고 넣는거하고 담배 브랜드 색깔 (말보로 레드)같은거 넣는거 금지시키자 필립 모리스가 ISD로 호주에 수십억 달러의 소송을 걸었습니다. 자, 여기서 담배 브랜드 색깔, 로고 넣는거 금지하는 보건정책이 과연 korus ISD 예외조항인 "essential and critical legislation for the protection of public health of australian(korean) people"에 속할까요 안할까요? 필립 모리스는 당연히 에센셜하고 크리티컬하지 않은 보건정책이며, 해외담배회사가 호주시장을 지배하고 있으니까 해외기업 차별하는disciminatory intent가 있다는 식의 주장을 할겁니다. 근거도 꽤 있구요. 그냥 쉽게 요건 no standing 이렇게 나올건 아니라는거지요.
    이런식으로 법 만들고 정책만들때 이렇게 태클 들어온다는게 짜증나는건 사실이지요. 주권 빼앗긴다는건 왕오버이지만, 정책만들때 ISD 생각하면 꽤나 많이 걸기적 거릴겁니다.

    In fact, in all Trade Agreements - some 81 - Korea signed with other nations, including ones with China and Japan as well as European Union, there is an ISD provision (or its equivalent).
    -한국만이 아니라, 여러나라들미 미국이나 특히 미국기업의 공격성에는 걱정하는경우가 많아 보입니다. 호주같은경우가 대표적인데, 2004년 미국하고는 FTA 하면서 호주기업의 반대로 ISD를 제외했지만, 그이후 20여개의 개발도상국하고는 호주기업의 요구에 따라 ISD를 맺었습니다 "미국은 손해일것 같으니 피하고 개발도상국은 하면 이익이니 하지 뭐 룰루랄라" 요런 정책이였지요. 그런데, 이번에 필립 모리스는 홍콩 자회사를 통해 홍콩쪽으로 ISD를 걸어왔습니다. 그래서 호주가 어맛 뜨거라 하면서 놀랐고 호주정부 공식 입장이 앞으로는 ISD를 아무나라하고도 절대 하지 않겠다라는 거구요. 호주정부의 입장은, 그러니까 이제는 강대국만 피하면 되는게 아니라 ISD 자체를 피해야 한다는 겁니다.
    길게 장황하게 썼는데, 그러니까 지금까지 좌파쪽이 미국기업은 더 무섭고 일본이나 개발도상국은 덜 위험하니 이제까지 다른나라 ISD는 강하게 반대 안했다는거고 (호주정부와 비슷한 논리이지요), 다만 이번 필립 모리스건을 보면 미국만이 아닌, 앞으로는 ISD 자체가 나쁜선택이 된다는겁니다.여하튼, 호주정부의 공십 입장을 보시면 도움이 될것 같습니다. 링크

    ISD하면 주권 뺏긴다는투의 논리는 저도 불편하지만, ISD 자체에 위험은 충분히 있어보입니다. 위 링크의 호주정부의 강한 ISD 정책의 비판과 호주정부를 이렇게 만든, 필립 모리스의 호주 담배규제법에 대한 소송에 대해서 좀 알아보시면 도움이 되실것 같습니다.

  2. 소중한 의견 감사드립니다.
